Initially, for the AI-Energy project, a small model heater, an energy consumption monitoring system, and a room climate monitoring system were developed and built. These three sub-projects are now being combined into a single system. Using the model heater, data is sent to ChatGPT. ChatGPT then calculates the difference in CO2 consumption compared to the previous heating behavior. The Energy Monitoring system detects irregular and above-average energy consumption and sends a notification to the user via Telegram, allowing them to check the appliances or devices causing the high consumption. This enables the user to identify energy-saving potentials without having to independently analyze their energy consumption. This process saves time and effort, streamlines the process of identifying potentials, and facilitates quicker energy-saving measures.

Zahnkranz, Zahnrad, Ausrüstung

Figure: Gears from Pixabay

Last modified: Monday, 3 July 2023, 9:31 AM