The AI uses statistical analysis in order to detect deviations. Should one be detacted, the program will compare the value of the highest deviation to a pre-set reference value. Only if the identified value is higher an error message will be send.

In order to better understand what the AI is doing this chapter will go through some sample values.

Lets say the values of the last 5 minutes are as followed:

[1.3, 5.2 ,1.7 ,1.6, 1,4]

Looking at these values one can already see that 5.2 is unusual.

Lets say that values are fine as long as they are lower then 7 .

Since the detacted 5.2 is lower then 7 no error message will be send.

Should however the highest allowed value be set to 5, a message would be send.

Figure: AI visualisation by Max Weller, BBS2 Wolfsburg

Last modified: Tuesday, 4 July 2023, 9:20 AM